Estonian Central Council in Canada Statement on terrorist acts against Israel

October 11, 2023

The Estonian Central Council in Canada is abhorred by the brutal terrorist acts of violence against Israel and stands together with the Jewish community in Canada to condemn them. These acts of terror against innocent men, women, children and the elderly are a clear violation of international law and human rights. 

We call on the Canadian government to take action against the Iranian government for its support of Hamas and place the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps on Canada’s Terrorist entity list.

We call on the Canadian government to investigate and prosecute Canadians, who are profiting from the supply of weapons to Hamas, Russia, or any other organization involved in terror operations against Canada’s allies.

#Standwithisrael, Israel


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The Estonian Central Council in Canada (ECC)/Eestlaste Kesknõukogu Kanadas (EKN) is a nationally elected council founded in 1951 that furthers the interests and development of the Canadian Estonian community.


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